True Beauty: The David

Perfection. That is what comes to my mind when I gaze at Michaelangelo’s, “The David.” The David is located under a beautiful light filled dome that offers a unique prospective from every angle. The idea that the entire sculpture could have been sculpted out of one piece if marble is unfathomable. The pristine detailing in…

Applying Bueller’s Advice

By Taven Sparks “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller The last seventeen days have been an amazing journey, and although it’s moved fast, I’ve looked around, taken it in and appreciated every single moment more than I’ll ever be able…

Holding the Tower of Pisa

By: Ryker Thompson We got to climb the infamous Leaning Tower of Pisa yesterday. We got to climb up the winding stair case of the tower that many see for the first time in a picture book in Pre-K class. I remember looking at the picture of the tower for the first time in the…

The Secret Life of Adam Beasley

By Adam Beasley: This blog isn’t about a confession, a new found talent, or even any of the adventures I’ve had during CR6. It’s about The Secret Life of Walter Mitte and the constant struggle the movie has created inside me. In my opinion, Walter Mitte was a good, not great, movie. However, there was…